Tuesday 19 January 2021

UK parliament Debate -from the Instagram post #Debate 01

Debate conversation form Instagram story #01

    The video is about the UK parliament pointing the Religious injustice happened in India. You can find the URL of the video debate.

Post link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKLgBuTBai6/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Speaking about the post its a the parliamentary debate of UK which happened in 12 Jan 2021. So the Debate was held on Instagram platform, i hosted thought my account. The point was to know the youngsters opinion on the UK Debate.

So the Debate ended without proper clarity and conclusion, Expecting to see more comments.

My conclusion and points stays in my thoughts, but the points discussed where fully reflection on pessimistic future generation. Its not a blame to be taken, we shouldn't even blame them for there past plans of diversity too, point is like Mr. Aghilan share the current situation but didn't give a right solution. We always speak up with our religion and culture in a rich perspective, no its not true. We may be the global attraction for culture, still there are few people showing the race of religion. "People are biased, the freedom of religion and expression are just black and white are we really on it? "

Stop the point of blaming other countries and people for there cruelty, its not required to repeat the same or be like them. There are certain things which can be bought with love and peace.

Here the UK parliament debate quoted few correct points(of Couse few were not relevant), why can't we accept that few correct points and rectify those, I was expecting the debate will share the points to Remedy the past. Start thing optimistic....  Let the future thrive the globe. 

Thankyou Share your points.!

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